Punta Gorda Weather

Current Conditions

65°F Feels Like: 64° F Clear
Winds: 4 mph from the NNW
Pressure: 30.11 Inches
Visibility: 10 Miles
UV Index: 0 / Low
Dew Point: 61° F
Humidity: 86
Precipitation: 0 Inches

Current Conditions & Forecast Provided By

Punta Gorda Forecast


High: 89°F / Low: 58°F

Mostly sunny during the day and Mostly clear at night.


High: 87°F / Low: 57°F

Mostly sunny during the day and Clear at night.


High: 85°F / Low: 64°F

Mostly sunny during the day and Intermittent clouds at night.


High: 87°F / Low: 67°F

Partly sunny w/ t-storms during the day and Mostly clear at night.


High: 87°F / Low: 66°F

Cloudy during the day and Intermittent clouds at night.

Historical Punta Gorda Weather

Weather Records

Record High 99° F
Record Low 30° F
Record High 33 MPH (Gusts 46 MPH)
Record Low 0 MPH (Gusts 16 MPH)

Monthly Normals

Month Precipitation Temperatures
Low Average High
January 1.82 inches 50.4° F 62.3° F 74.3° F
February 2.48 inches 52.7° F 64.7° F 76.7° F
March 3.31 inches 56.7° F 68.4° F 80.1° F
April 2.43 inches 60.1° F 71.8° F 83.6° F
May 2.60 inches 65.5° F 77.4° F 89.4° F
June 8.53 inches 71.7° F 81.6° F 91.5° F
July 7.89 inches 74.2° F 83.0° F 91.8° F
August 8.61 inches 74.4° F 83.0° F 91.5° F
September 7.23 inches 73.6° F 82.0° F 90.3° F
October 3.15 inches 66.7° F 76.7° F 86.7° F
November 2.01 inches 58.9° F 69.9° F 80.9° F
December 1.96 inches 53.4° F 64.7° F 76.0° F